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A Mum Once Told Me...

So, your child has expressed an interest in pursuing a career in The Arts. "Oh goodness", you sigh, and wince inside. Yes, while the dazzling lights, mystical stage door, and idea of having your make up done for you every night couldn't seem any more glamorous to a young "destined-for-fame" starlet, the harsh reality is that a career in the Performing Arts Industry takes a huge amount of hard work, resilience and perseverance. Confidence is key.

And if your child is anything like I was while at school, then it'll be easy for them to dismiss the importance of doing their best in the less appealing Maths, English and Sciences and instead, nip off to the drama studio every lunch time or any free period and squeeze in every inch of rehearsal time they can with their fellow actors.

Well, you know what? Don't worry too much. A mum of an amazing young boy I teach, a private English tutor, once told me that research has proven that children regularly participating in drama classes will actually see improved literacy and creative writing skills, and in turn, improved GCSE results. Really? Seriously?! "Oh yeah", she said "I've seen it first hand with Adam. He used to really lack confidence, but since coming to drama with you he's blossomed! And not only that, he's now at the top of his class and has the highest creative writing mark!" Humbling, of course, but how awesome is that?! She went on to tell me that she believes Drama classes to be the "cheapest form of tuition"! So there you have can now be safe in the knowledge that Inspire classes aren't just a load of jumping around and being ridiculous (well, there's a bit of that), they're actually encouraging children to think critically, explore characters' thoughts, feelings, and motivations, all the while building their confidence, developing their social skills, and increasing their concentration and motivation for their school studies.

Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's something worth getting excited about!

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