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We know how important it is for all children, young people, and adults to feel safe and happy when they attend any activity. That is why we, at Inspire Theatre Workshops, are committed to offering a welcoming, warm, safe, and supportive environment where every member, including staff, feels good. To ensure everyone has the best experience possible and gets the most out of every session or activity, we ask that all staff, parents, and children are aware of, and follow, this Code of Conduct. If you have any queries or concerns relating to this policy, please email us.





Students agree to:


  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes at each session, including their Inspire T-shirt.

  • Arrive on time for each class.

  • Follow Inspire's Health & Safety Policy.

  • Be welcoming and friendly to all students, particularly to new students and staff members.

  • Never isolate, or refuse to work with, any other student.

  • Be inclusive, supportive, and encouraging towards fellow students.

  • Report inappropriate behaviour to a member of staff or DSO (Jen) immediately.

  • Respect all students, regardless of race, culture, age, ability, gender, background, religion or belief, sexual orientation/identity.

  • Never bully or cause upset to other students or staff members, be it verbally, physically, or mentally.

  • Not use mobile phones during class.

  • Not eat during class, unless allowed by the class Producer of Saturday Schools.

  • Not chew gum in the studio.

  • Not use offensive language in or around the Inspire Venue.

  • Not smoke or consume alcohol or drugs while at any Inspire activity or while representing Inspire Theatre Workshops.

  • Take care of equipment and other's personal belongings.

  • Treat any Inspire costumes/props/set with the utmost of care.

  • Respect the Inspire studio and clean up after themselves, disposing of all rubbish.

  • Never leave an Inspire activity without the prior consent of the lead Inspire staff member (Producer).

  • Never inappropriately disrupt a session or activity.

  • Inform the Producer upon arrival of any existing injuries or health problems.

  • Give every class 100%.



Students have the right to:


  • Feel safe and happy in the studio and their classes. 

  • Be listened to, respected, and treated fairly. 

  • Privacy. 

  • Equal treatment.

  • Be supported and feel respected.

  • Ask for help.

  • Have any concerns treated seriously.

  • Participate on an equal basis, appropriate of their ability. 

  • Be protected from abuse by other students or staff members as per our Child Protection Policy.​

 Parents/Carers/Families are expected to:​


  • Detail all relevant medical information upon enrolment and notify us of any changes.

  • Provide up to date emergency contact numbers.

  • Provide upon registration, the first name and relationship of all Adults (including family members/friends over 16 years) you authorise to collect your child from an Inspire Activity (Authorised Adults) and inform us of any changes to these.

  • Ensure our Terms & Conditions have been read.

  • Adhere to Inspire's Health & Safety Policy.

  • Inform us of any relevant information, including pre-existing injuries, new medical conditions, or health concerns, that may affect the student's participation in class.

  • Be on time for drop off and pick up. 

  • Inform your Inspire Producer prior to class if your child is to be collected early, or by someone other than an Authorised Adults as listed on your child's Registration form.

  • Ensure your child is dressed appropriately for class, including appropriate footwear and their Inspire T-shirt.

  • Positively encourage your child and show interest in their chosen activity.

  • Inform the main office or your Inspire Producer if your child has any contagious illness (e.g. COVID-19 symptoms) and not allow them to attend class until they have followed NHS advice and are well again. 

  • Inform the main office or your Inspire Producer if your child tests positive for COVID-19.

  • Ensure your child understands our student Code of Conduct.

  • Respect all students, adults and staff regardless of race, gender, age, ability, cultural background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation/identity.

  • Respect and accept the decisions and instruction of Inspire Theatre Workshops and its staff.

  • Be patient with Sign In/Out procedures at any Inspire activity.

  • Discuss any concerns or queries with a member of Inspire staff discretely. 



  Parents/Legal Guardians have a right to:​​


  • Be assured your child is safeguarded as per Inspire's Child Protection Policy.

  • Be assured all Inspire staff are members of the PVG Scheme.

  • Be informed, as soon as it is reasonably possible, of any problems/concerns relating to your child. 

  • Be informed immediately if your child is seriously injured.

  • Discuss any specific requirements/requests with an Inspire staff member. 

  • Have any concerns listened and responded to in a timely manner.







Inspire Theatre Workshops staff and volunteers act as role models to the children and young people who attend our classes. We pride ourselves in taking an invested interest in every participant's development and progress and therefore it is crucial that all members or our organisation adhere to this set of principles to ensure every child and young person receives the very best support and tuition.


All Inspire Employees/Contractors/Volunteers are expected to:


  • Be registered on the PVG scheme.

  • Adhere to Inspire's Health & Safety Policy. 

  • Ensure the safety of students by providing effective supervision at all times during an Inspire activity.

  • Consider the well-being and safety of the students in their care at all times during Inspire activities. 

  • Work in pairs for every Inspire Weekly Workshop.

  • Feel confident and competent to work alone at Inspire parties or at a primary/secondary school, under the support and supervision of the party parent/classroom teacher/TA (group number dependant).

  • Pre-plan activities using the Inspire Lesson Plan templates for each age range.

  • Ensure the activities planned are appropriate and accessible for all in attendance.

  • Ensure every Weekly Workshop is centred around the educational Focus of The Week (where applicable) and that this is taught appropriately and in a fun and clear manner.

  • Ensure every activity is jam packed with theatre, character, and FUN!

  • Take time to help students who are struggling to grasp a concept, instruction, or element, to ensure they feel respected and confident.

  • Ensure every child has a chance to shine in every Inspire activity.

  • Be a role model, displaying a high standard of behaviour and appearance at all times.

  • Arrive 30 minutes before their first session to ensure they are set up and ready before students arrive. 

  • Be professional, positive, welcoming, honest, and approachable.

  • Respect all students, adults and staff regardless of race, gender, age, ability, cultural background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation/identity

  • Encourage all students not to discriminate regardless of race, gender, age, ability, cultural background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation/identity.

  • Encourage and guide students to take responsibility for their own performance and behaviour in class and at events. 

  • Ensure the rights and responsibilities of students are enforced as per Inspire's student Code of Conduct.

  • Administer first aid appropriately (Paediatrics First Aid Trained Producers only).

  • For all serious injuries an ambulance must be called immediately.

  • Have access to a telephone at all times for immediate emergency contact.

  • Safely and efficiently carry out the Sign In/Out procedure as per Inspire Producer and Teacher Training. 

  • Follow Inspire's Fire Safety Procedure for all designated Fire Drill practises and in an emergency.

  • Only make medical decisions if a student's parent/legal guardian is not on site or cannot be reached.

  • Assume consent to provide First Aid (only if trained) to any child, young person, or adult who is unconscious or unresponsive .

  • Treat all student information as sensitive and confidential (unless withholding such information would be detrimental to the well-being or safety of the student).

  • Ensure co-worker's standards of teaching, behaviour, and appearance are in line with the Inspire staff Code of Conduct and training at all times, and inform Inspire management of any concerns they may have so that we can review staff performance.

  • Not engage in any relationship with any student and to not connect with any student through social media unless written permission has been given from their parent/legal guardian. 

  • Not allow any rough or dangerous play, bullying, or the use of bad language or inappropriate behaviour during class and should this occur, inform the Inspire DSO (Jen).

  • Report any incidents (including abuse) to the DSO (Jen), who must take a record and involve any professional service necessary, as per Inspire's Child Protection Policy.

  • Raise any concerns over a student's health or well being to Jen (Inspire DSO).

  • Record any accidents/incidents using an Accident/Incident Report Form and ensure the relevant Parent/Authorised Adults signs the copy at Pick Up, and to then scan/email a copy of this to Inspire management.

  • Not smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs before or during any session/activity or when representing Inspire Theatre Workshops.

  • Not use their phone during class time unless for an emergency or to play music. In the case where an Inspire Manager (Jen) arrives at an activity to take photographs/videos for promotional material, this will be in accordance with Inspire's Terms & Conditions.

  • Never abuse any students, members, staff, or visitors be it verbally, physically, or emotionally, and adhere to Inspire's Child Protection Policy at all times.

  • Know that they are legally covered by Inspire's Public Liability Insurance. 

  • Not commence any Weekly Workshop until the Producer has arrived on site with all student registration information. (Teachers only).

  • Ask for a responsible adult (parent/carer) to sit in on a session if the Teacher is late in arriving (Producers only).

  • In the above case, explain to all parents that there is no one on hand until the Teacher arrives to conduct toilet trips, therefore if a child thinks they'll need to use the bathroom during class, ask the parent to accompany them (Producers only).

  • Undertake Inspire approved and arranged Paediatric First Aid Training and top up this qualification every 3 years, as required (Producers only).



Staff have a right to:


  • Work within a safe, fun, and supportive environment.

  • Fair and equal treatment by Inspire Theatre Workshops.

  • Equal work opportunities (considering relevant experience and training level).

  • Discuss any issues, concerns, or queries directly related to Inspire with Inspire management.

  • Receive support in any circumstance but especially if reporting suspected abuse or poor practise.

  • Be protected from all kinds of abuse from students, parents, Inspire staff, venue staff, and visitors.

  • Not to be left vulnerable when working with children.

  • Appropriately exclude students from activities, especially if a student is jeopardising the safety and/or well-being of any staff and/or student, or where they deem the student's behaviour unacceptable.

  • Report inappropriate behaviour to parents.

  • Request from Inspire management that a repeatedly disruptive student is removed from class.

  • Be listened to, be respected, and feel valued.






Parents who allow a student to attend, students who attend,

and all staff/volunteers working on behalf of Inspire Theatre Workshops,

have an obligation to ensure that their own Code of Conduct is followed and practised at all times.

This ensures that we all do our bit to keep everyone safe, happy, and supported while at any Inspire activity. 



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